
Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Sperm + Antibiotics + Saline Solution = ????

A 47-year-old doctor and professor mixed human sperm (his own), antibiotics and saline solution to make a concoction he called his "secret prescription". 

How it works ah....?

Well, well....he used it to massage around patients' vaginas to 'cure' various gynaecological diseases.  Luo Jie said his prescription, applied to the vagina worked wonders in curing  headache and stomachache. (Aiyo ....just take panodol lah....stupid woman)

He also claimed the prescription can heal a bruise after a falling from a motorcycle.

(Hey...he haven't tested it with the penis.... How to test ? No hole there like the vagina .....Me so bad right?)

Where is the place?

 A hospital in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region....(Any body knows....Want to know his secret he claimed to have discovered a new way to cure gynecological disease after spending years of study in traditional Chinese medicine.

Why in the News?

Kena sue lah.

 A woman (Wang Juan) reported the man to police after he introduced his sperm into her vagina....but she went there to treat for pelvic inflammation...

He treated patients in this manner for seven (!) years until he was arrested in 2010 for raping a patient. 2012.


Doctor Uses His Sperm To Cure Women

By Simone Camy on October 24, 2012 

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