
Thursday, 30 August 2012

To release or not to release/ Nak pancut atau tak nak?

Further to this post, one commenter believed that one should not ejaculate, the reason being to preserve energy.

I guess he relate this to Taoism:

"The idea is that by moving our sexual energy in the body, we will be able to last as long as we want . The idea is never (or rarely) to ejaculate, because it results in a lost of energy / vitality. Keeping all of our power inside, we can benefit more from our sexuality in all other aspects of our life."


I guess this is true if one practice moving the energy around our Microcosmic Orbit. Remember the exercise we did when we move our energy from our genitals up your spine to our brain, then down to our brain to our genitals through our belly??

Malay version

 Merajuk post ini, seorang Kommenter percaya bahawa seseorang itu tidak perlu pancut kalau lancap, kerana kita perlu memelihara tenaga dalaman.

Saya rasa dia berkaitan ini dengan Taoisme:

 "Ideanya ialah dengan menggerakkan tenaga seksual kita dalam badan, kita akan dapat bertahan selagi kita mahu. Idea ini tidak pernah (atau jarang) pancut, kerana ia menyebabkan hilang tenaga / kecergasan Mengekalkan semua dalam kuasa kita, kita boleh mendapat manfaat lebih daripada seksualiti kami dalam semua aspek-aspek lain dalam kehidupan kita. "
 Saya rasa ini adalah benar jika kita amalan bergerak tenaga sekitar dengan "Orbit mikrokosmik" senaman yang saya dah jelaskan . Ingat senaman yang kita lakukan apabila kita bergerak tenaga kita dari kemaluan kami sehingga tulang belakang anda kepada otak kita, kemudian turun kepada otak kita untuk kemaluan kami melalui perut kita?


Tuesday, 28 August 2012

No wonder sperm is valuable!!

Semen is made up of :

65 per cent of fluid from the seminal vesicles
30 to 35 per cent from the prostate
5 per cent from the vasa

 Sperm Contents
Semen contains small amounts of more than thirty elements, including

Ascorbic acid, lactic acid, free amino acids (Arginine - believed to increase blood flow)
Beta endorphines - a painkiller that lowers anxiety
Cholesterol, creatine, citric acid, 
Dopamine - a much publicised happy drug 
Enzymes, Estrogen + Oxytocin - link to happiness and pair bonding
Phosphorylcholine, prostaglandin, potassium
Vitamin B12

 Benefits of swallowing semen from a healthy man three times per week or more include:

1) Decrease effects of aging (mood enhancement, better sleep)

2) Extended life expectancy (reduce depression, resistance to suicidal thoughts)

4) Fighting off disease (50% reduction of Cancer , curing diabetes, overcome infection

4 ) Clearer skin (relief from acne)

5) Fat (Metablizing excess fat, reduce obseity, control appetite)

Semen and sperm quality

Semen clots almost immediately after ejaculation, forming a sticky, jelly-like liquid. It will liquefy again in 5 to 40 minutes... The fluid produced by the testicles contains several chemicals, but is particularly rich in testosterone. 


Monday, 27 August 2012

Is Sperm An Effective Skin Softener?

Beauty insiders are touting spermine, a powerful antioxidant found in human sperm, as the solution to diminish wrinkles and keep skin smooth, soft and supple. Bioforskning  a Norwegian company, is now synthesizing the substance in laboratories and selling it.

 Some women are shelling out as much as $250 for a spermine facial at spas. They could keep their money and head to a college dorm, where the occupants would be more than willing to give sperm facials for free. There’d probably be free beer, too.

Sos: NY Mag

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Running + coffee link to testosterone depletion?

Questions have been raised as to whether running /over-training for distance running can lead to testosterone depletion.


A number of studies have turned up a link between long-distance running and reduced fertility, although studies yet to discern what exactly the connection is. However, one popular theory points to a reduction in the blood supply to the testes during running. but....but why they do not have the same problem??? Anyone any idea?

Another question have been raised whether over-consumption of caffeine (around 10 cups of coffee a day) can also deplete testosterone levels.

A 2003 study at Sao Paolo University demonstrated that sperm motility (the speed of sperm reaching the egg) is actually stronger in men who regularly drink coffee than those who don't. Thus coffee intake cannot be identified as a guilty party

Saturday, 25 August 2012

One Night Stand

Some men have told their doctors that they contracted sexually transmitted infections (STIs) after one-night stands with women they met at clubs, pubs, and brothels or overseas and KTV lounges Singapore

 Sesetengah lelaki telah memberitahu doktor mereka bahawa mereka menguncup jangkitan kelamin (STI) selepas berpoya poya dengan wanita mereka bertemu di kelab, pub, dan pelacuran atau lounge di luar negara dan KTV di Singapura

 A doctor from M Lam Clinic in Geylang said: "Many of them use a condom, but many don't know that they also need to use it during oral sex and foreplay, and not just intercourse."

 Seorang doktor dari M Lam Klinik di Geylang berkata: "Ramai daripada mereka menggunakan kondom, tetapi ramai yang tidak tahu bahawa mereka juga perlu menggunakan semasa seks oral dan foreplay, dan bukan hanya hubungan."

He said: "Typically, they come to be treated for herpes simplex and gonorrhoea. "I also see men and women seeking treatment for chlamydia and viral warts.

 Beliau berkata: "Biasanya, mereka datang untuk dilayan untuk herpes simplex dan gonorea." Saya juga melihat lelaki dan wanita yang mencari rawatan untuk chlamydia dan ketuat virus

 Its good to play together but if you kena herpes, jia lat as it will never be cured. The cold sores can go away but it will return another day.

Better wear the helmet and "dont leave home without it."

Ia baik untuk bermain bersama-sama tetapi jika anda kena herpes, Jia lat kerana ia tidak akan sembuh. Kudis sejuk boleh pergi jauh tetapi ia akan kembali hari lain.

 Lebih baik memakai topi keledar dan "jangan meninggalkan rumah tanpanya".

Friday, 24 August 2012

Malaysian diets bad for sexual energy track


After years of conducting urut batin, it finally drum on me that our Malaysian diet affects the sexual energy track. Most of my local clients as young as 25 have "bad" sexual energy track while another (senior citizen) who consume non-Malaysian food has an extremely good sexual energy track. It all boils down to "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT".


Guess a diet that improves the taste of sperm should do the trick. Hehe

Fruit, Juices and Sweets. Acidic fruits, such as sweets, and fruits give our sperm a pleasant, sugary flavor (YES) . A bowl of Muesli for breakfast will do the trick. Kick away your nasi lemak and char kiew tieh. 


Common sense dictates that if you taste good, your lover will want to eat you more often, so improving your body's taste and smell should be important to you.

Dairy, Meat, Hard Liquor and some Vegetable (eg asparagus. You can't miss the taste of asparagus-laced semen.) Alcohol especially can make your semen extremely bitter while meat and fish produce a bitter, fish taste. (NO)

 The perfect recipe goes something like this: plenty of water, little dairy, no caffeine (or cocaine, or similar, bitter alkaloids)

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Kegel your way to tightness

Had a good laugh a few weeks back when I did the prostrate massage on a particular person. He was so afraid that it will be loose but on the other hand he wanted to prevent prostrate cancer. He did it mainly for health reason.

The advise for you guys is to exercise a little bit more. It makes a lot of difference if you exercise because your body's muscle will be more tone. Then again, if one is under the influence of some relaxant, then don't expect your ass to be tight. So it all depends. 

Malay Version

Beberapa minggu yg lepas, saya "terlepas" ketawa saya apabila saya melakukan urut sujud pada seorang pelanggan saya. Dia begitu takut bahawa ia akan menjadi longgar tetapi sebaliknya dia mahu mencegah kanser sujud. Beliau melakukannya terutamanya atas sebab-sebab kesihatan.

Nasihat untuk anda semua adalah untuk menjalankan senanam sedikit lebih. Ia membuat banyak perbezaan jika anda bersenam kerana otot badan anda akan nada yang lebih. Kemudian lagi, jika seseorang di bawah pengaruh ubat , maka tidak mengharapkan keldai anda untuk menjadi ketat. Jadi ia semua bergantung.

How? / Bagaimana??

Kegel is the answer

pic courtesy from Hue & Joy

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

How Often?? Is there a recommended formula?

Often been asked "how often" should we do it. Searched from the net that there is a formula to calculate being "the age of the first digit multiplied by 9"

20s:        2 x 9 = 18   (i.e. 1 weeks cum 8x. A lot right? Even I got surprised when one client at this age group told me that he did 3 times daily and I find that it will be a bit too much and its unhealthy)

30+ yo:  3 x 9 = 27 i.e. 2 weeks cum 7x

40+ yo: 4 x 9 = 36 i.e. 3 weeks cum 6x

50+ yo: 5 x 9 = 45 i.e. 4 weeks cum 5x
Guess, the best number of ejaculations is just right for the group after age 50 as the male hormone secretion has reduced, thus the decrease in libido.

Proper masturbation ejaculation is actually kind of "maintenance" measures to avoid an enlarged prostate, stones and even voiding dysfunction. Agreed???

Malay version

 Selalu di tanya ada ke formula untuk mengira beberap kali kita patut melancap seminggu. Olih itu, saya melayar internet dan dapatkan formula berikut: "umur digit pertama didarabkan dengan 9"


20an: 2 x 9 = 18 (iaitu 1 minggu merangkap 8x Sesuatu hak yang banyak Malah saya mendapat terkejut apabila seorang pelanggan pada kumpulan umur ini memberitahu saya bahawa dia lakukan 3 kali sehari dan saya mendapati bahawa ia akan menjadi sedikit terlalu banyak dan tidak sihat

30 + yo: 3 x 9 = 27 iaitu 2 minggu merangkap 7x

40 + yo: 4 x 9 = 36 iaitu 3 minggu merangkap 6x

50 + yo: 5 x 9 = 45 iaitu 4 minggu merangkap 5x

Pandangan saya, bilangan terbaik pancutan adalah hanya sesuai untuk kumpulan selepas umur 50 tahun sebagai rembesan hormon lelaki telah dikurangkan, dengan itu penurunan dalam libido.

Ejakulasi melancap yang betul sebenarnya adalah sejenis "maintenance" langkah-langkah untuk mengelakkan prostat membesar, batu dan disfungsi walaupun mengganggu. Bersetuju?