- Full day booking is RM$1300 and RM $700 for 4 hours through OKT. Rate fluctuates according to the seasonal Genting room rates. Those OKTs ones are around rm 200-300.
Try to haggle a bit, but they are usually adamant, giving excuses that room rates on weekends are expensive and that nowadays girls don't come as FL's for fear of being caught and they are under OKT's instead
-They usually operate in Tower 1 9th floor onwards, and it seems they have 1 room for parading the girls and another for customers to bonk
- OKT girl, quality not bad, young and pretty but they usually provide rush service (and some "black face") to the client, which is what the client's don't like
- Usually never give BJ for RM200. Must trick her say her OKT say got provide then she give... but only 20 sec at most man...CD not included pls bring alone yourself
- OKT there change mobile number every 1 - 2 weeks because Genting management getting their number blocked, especially if displayed at the men's toilets around Star Bucks, Taxi Station
FL (freelance??) usually lower quality, one really need to look to find SYT (Sweet Young Thing). FL for about rm150-200 sometimes if you heng, you can spend the night with her too (at your own risk) but if you planning to do that,scout them around 1-2am. WARNING!!! RM100 FL NO SVS, STRIP, N FXXK!! FL roaming around inside and outside of casino, hotel lobbies and you can be easily approached by one of them if you are alone.
Most of them will be loitering at the amusement alley. You can't missed these pretty SYT. They will be in pairs or threesome in a team. Occasionally there will be be a single girl standing alone because the rest of the girls are probably getting laid in their dome. One easy way is to maintain eye contact they will approach you if they are in the trade.
Safety tips:
- Lock all properties - hp, $, watch, etc in own hotel locker - if call her to own room
- Pocket carry the exact amount RM$250 and at most carry another extra RM 50 just in case + only your room key. This way... should they beg or demand for more... you only got that amount on you anyway. And should you kena drugged or what, you still only got all that on you. They won't know your room number if you didn't bring wallet with hotel room keyholder with you. This way you limit your losses should anything unfortunate happen
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