1) Hounen Fertility Festival, Komaki, Japan
The Lingam is the symbol of a very special part of the Hindu god Shiva's body. (Hint: It's his cock.)
Within the trinity of Hinduism, Shiva is the god of destruction and change. How much of that destruction is wrought with his four arms and how much comes from his manhood? We leave that to the reader to decide.
In Hindu mythology, when Shiva is killed, the goddess Kali squats over his body, rips out and eats his organs, and then mounts his still erect manrod to complete the cycle of creation. It's also worth noting that in most Hindu art and temples, his "linga" is usually depicted without the rest of him, the disembodied member being worshiped all by itself:
3) Bhutan Buddhism ?
4)Min, Egyptian God
5) Thailand - Palakiat
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