A) November 18 Rejection email
Dear ,
We are sorry to inform you that your Ad 970112 has been DEACTIVATED for the following reason:
21-Oct-11 Traditional Full Body Massage + Urut Batin
B) November 22 Rejection email
Dear ,
We are sorry to inform you that your Ad 1035538 has been DEACTIVATED for the following reason:
21-Nov-11 Discreet Full Body Oil Massage By Male Masseur
- please change the picture

However these pictures are allowed by the web master for the other advertisers:
This one advertised "Massage for Ladies" . I am confused as I have a crooked mind. Haha
Which are more sexually offensive?? It seems that manhood and urut batin is also offensive. Will coin another name. What about Vitality Massage Or Genital Maintenance Massage?
Malay Version
Memohon maaf kepada semua bakal pelanggan saya bahawa iklan saya kini sangat ringan dan meminta anda sms saya untuk lain-lain bentuk urutan kerana penolakan oleh moderator web. Berikut adalah cabutan kedua-dua penolakan:
A) 18 November Penolakan e-mel
Harap maaf untuk memaklumkan kepada anda bahawa Iklan 970112 telah dinyahaktifkan atas sebab berikut:
21-Sep-11 Tradisional Full Body massage + Urut Batin
B) 22 November Penolakan e-mel
Harap maaf untuk memaklumkan kepada anda bahawa Iklan 1035538 telah dinyahaktifkan atas sebab berikut:
21-Nov-11 Badan Penuh Minyak Urut Olih tukang urut Lelaki
sila menukar gambar
Walau bagaimanapun, gambar-gambar berikut dibenarkan oleh web master untuk pengiklan lain
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