Very strangely, these few days, I received numerous calls (usually late at night) whether I provide Body to Body massage. Callers can be both local and foreigners. From the sound of it, the foreigners might be tourists who may not know what to do next at this late night and hula ... B2B massage... which can kill a couple of hours off. They kept asking me whether I use my body or use my hand. When I told them that I use my hand, they gave a "disappointing" tone and immediately terminate the call.
After watching Bob's video a couple of months back, my mind keep "circulating" whether they referring to:
If this is the case, I can surely said that I can't. It is worth watching the video as it shows that Bob has all the strength, endurance, stamina and "acrobatic" stunt to perform such a beautiful and artiste form of massage. I wish I could be like him.
OR are they referring to (where I did some goggling for B2B images)
or some other things?????
Um.....I guess I need to treat myself to a B2B massage so that I will be able to digest what my guests want!
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