The kidney is one of the most important organ in our body. Malfunction will lead to serious problems.....especially sexual problem.
When performing my massage therapy, this is one area which I must perform - both the back and front area of the body.
How to know one's kidney is health. Just do this SIMPLE test
Pour a little urine into a glass of water.
Result :
(1) if the water is still clean, the body is healthy
(2) if it becomes cloudy or the oil floating on the water, then one need to take precaution
Symptoms of unhealthy kidney
(1) Inability to urinate, dripping, dripping endless.
(2) Morning, puffy eyes.
(3) Legs feel weak after climbing to the third floor, or weak when standing for more than 1 hr
(4) Backache after sitting in a chair watching television more than two hours
(5) Hair shedding when shampoo.
(7) always feel sleepy but can not sleep, finally fell asleep, wake up again want to sleep
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