
Tuesday, 11 September 2012

haesindang park or penis park

Anybody been here before?

 Two giant penis carvings set among the beautifully manicured grounds at Samcheok's Penis Park.A group of zodiac-carved penises at Haesindong Penis Park near Samcheok, South Korea.

It is just 40 minutes or 20km south of Samcheok city.

Buses leave for Samcheok from Seoul and take about 3.5 hours. When you arrive in Samcheok, take a local bus (numbers 20, 90, or 90-1) from the bus station to Haesindang Park. It should take about 40-50 minutes to reach the park. The entrance fee for the park is 3,000 Won.

You will be able to adore dozens of sculpted phallus stand erect and collection ranges from hanging arrangements to three meter tall trunks of wood, sculpted by Korean artists to showcase anything from joy, spirituality and sexuality.


 Small shacks house sensuality and the small Folk Museum attached showcases penis related art throughout the ages as well as the history of the small fishing community.
A young virgin was left her fiance so that she could collect seaweed. However, due to bad weather condition the fiance couldn’t rescue the young maiden. She was drowned in the stormy sea. From that moment, the fisherman were unable to catch enough the solution is appease the spirit of the maiden. Brilliant idea - carve statues of penis. Hamsap women. hehe

 Penis Park - Haesindang - Samcheok - KoreaPenis Park - Haesindang - Samcheok - Korea
Haesindang Park

Varieties of Penis

Some are small and used as armrests for benches or railings, while others are over two meters tall. Of the large ones, some have comical faces, while others are very realistic. There is even a beautiful garden area that features a large penis that rises and falls as part of a water feature and another large penis perfect for pictures

 Haesindang Park

Who visit such place?

Apart from tourist, Korean family, complete with kids! I won't bring my kid as I am too shy to answer any questions related to the penis. Odd isn't it?
Haesindang ParkHaesindang Park
What if they ask you what is the hole all about?

Chinese got zodiac so do the koreans! the pic below representing the twelve signs of the Korean animal zodiac


So can worship the God of Cock?  It seemed like an opportune time for a prayer or two to the god of cock. Can you view the God of Cock inside???

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