
Saturday, 29 September 2012

How much to hire a Private Investigator

Disgruntled retailers at Pearls Centre have decided to put an end to vice activities at massage parlours in the building by hiring a private investigator to uncover their illegal activities.

These retailers contributed
 S$6,000 for a PI to secretly record footage of women soliciting for business at these massage parlours.

The private investigator has recorded six video clips of the women soliciting customers. He spent three weeks exposing these massage parlours.

The retailers plan to submit the video clips as evidence to the police and assist them in closing down these massage parlour

Comment by :

a) This is all rather irrelevant since Pearl Centre is gonna be knocked down for the MRT Thomson Line

b)Spend 6K for this? Knn spend a few hundred buy a spy cam and get some of the ah peks there to volunteer can liao!

C) Doesn't anyone find it strange that this report appears right after the business owners tries to ask for more compensation from the Government on the land acquisition?

The act of the business owners and the release of this report will give the Government sufficient excuse to justify the amount they are willing to give. I smell fish in the whole incident.

D) These shop owners are fine with the KTV and Dirty movie cinema but not some Healthcare" shops?

Friday, 28 September 2012

Sperm vs Semen / Sperma dan air mani

Some of my clients have always asked about the differences between sperm and semen. They are confused as some may refer it to just sperm and some refer it to semen.
Well, sperm and semen, although these words are used to mean the same thing, they are two different things. The semen which we ejaculate is a combination of two things"
Semen is the fluid that carries the sperm, which are too small to see. The semen is full of nutrients that are required to feed and protect the sperm while on its journey to the female productive organs. The normal semen volume is in the 2-6 cc range. 
Normally the semen is somewhat viscous, opalescent and whitish gray in color. However, depending on many factors including frequency of ejaculation, diet, general health, etc., the volume, consistency and color of the semen can vary.

sperm (the little guys that swim around... These guys are actually yellow.)
Malay version
Beberapa pelanggan saya sentiasa ditanya mengenai perbezaan antara sperma dan air mani. Mereka keliru kerana sesetengah mungkin merujuk sperma sahaja dan beberapa merujuk kepada air mani.
Sperma dan air mani, walaupun kata-kata ini digunakan untuk bermakna perkara yang sama, mereka adalah dua perkara yang berbeza. Air mani yang kita pancut adalah gabungan dua perkara "
Air mani ialah cecair yang membawa sperma, yang terlalu kecil untuk dilihat. Air mani adalah penuh nutrien yang diperlukan untuk memberi makan dan melindungi sperma semasa dalam perjalanan ke organ-organ wanita produktif. Jumlah air mani yang normal adalah dalam julat 2-6 cc.
Biasanya air mani adalah agak likat dan kelabu putih dalam warna. Walau bagaimanapun, bergantung kepada banyak faktor termasuk kekerapan ejakulasi, diet, kesihatan umum, dan lain-lain, jumlah, konsisten dan warna air mani boleh berbeza-beza.

sperma (lelaki kecil yang berenang di sekeliling ... lelaki ini sebenarnya kuning.)

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Control Ejaculation Technique / Teknik mengegah ejaculasi

There are various methods to control ejaculation and one of the effective ways that I have seen recently is by means of using the gripping technique.  The step is pretty simple.

As soon as one is about to cum:

1) breathe in heavily (the stomach must be raised) and let the oxygen travel to the upper chest. Repeat 3 times.

2) Then grip both the hands till the urge to come subside.

Malay Version

Terdapat pelbagai kaedah untuk mengawal ejakulasi dan salah satu cara berkesan yang saya telah melihat baru-baru ini adalah dengan cara menggunakan teknik menggenggam. Langkah adalah agak mudah.

Semasa kita rasa nak pancut, kita bolih:

1) bernafas kuat (perut mesti dibangkitkan) dan membiarkan perjalanan oksigen ke dada . Ulang 3 kali.

2) Kemudian mencengkam kedua-dua tangan sehingga keinginan untuk datang reda saperti gambar di atas

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Automatic Sperm Extractor

The screen on the machine plays artistic movies (porn lah for those who don't catch the meaning)  when the machine is switch on....somemore... with surround sound in the room. hehe. If you don't like, the machine is also equipped with headphones and two handles on both sides.

The “massage pipe” in front can be adjusted according to the height of the user.

 Users can also adjust:
- speed (wow, I like the rhythm 9, 1, 9)
-force (good, the harder the better)
-temperature etc. 

Too bad...there are terms and conditions attached to this machine.

1) For male infertility patient

“When male infertility patient come for treatment, we must first fully inspect the sperm which requires sperm extraction.” Zhu said, 

2) This machine is only recommended for patients that had difficulty retrieving sperms

3) User must use a condom

4)It is not use for sperm donation.( In fact, sperm bank has very high standards; donors must go through strict medical examination and they will definitely not use a sperm extractor.) 


Use at your own risk if your  lan jiao put in kena electrocuted.

My hope:

Will Osim manufacture this product in future? I think it will sell if the price is not that expensive. Found out that it cost only RM2,800-00. Cheap leh....Want to save money use this...hehe

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

haesindang park or penis park

Anybody been here before?

 Two giant penis carvings set among the beautifully manicured grounds at Samcheok's Penis Park.A group of zodiac-carved penises at Haesindong Penis Park near Samcheok, South Korea.

It is just 40 minutes or 20km south of Samcheok city.

Buses leave for Samcheok from Seoul and take about 3.5 hours. When you arrive in Samcheok, take a local bus (numbers 20, 90, or 90-1) from the bus station to Haesindang Park. It should take about 40-50 minutes to reach the park. The entrance fee for the park is 3,000 Won.

You will be able to adore dozens of sculpted phallus stand erect and collection ranges from hanging arrangements to three meter tall trunks of wood, sculpted by Korean artists to showcase anything from joy, spirituality and sexuality.


 Small shacks house sensuality and the small Folk Museum attached showcases penis related art throughout the ages as well as the history of the small fishing community.
A young virgin was left her fiance so that she could collect seaweed. However, due to bad weather condition the fiance couldn’t rescue the young maiden. She was drowned in the stormy sea. From that moment, the fisherman were unable to catch enough the solution is appease the spirit of the maiden. Brilliant idea - carve statues of penis. Hamsap women. hehe

 Penis Park - Haesindang - Samcheok - KoreaPenis Park - Haesindang - Samcheok - Korea
Haesindang Park

Varieties of Penis

Some are small and used as armrests for benches or railings, while others are over two meters tall. Of the large ones, some have comical faces, while others are very realistic. There is even a beautiful garden area that features a large penis that rises and falls as part of a water feature and another large penis perfect for pictures

 Haesindang Park

Who visit such place?

Apart from tourist, Korean family, complete with kids! I won't bring my kid as I am too shy to answer any questions related to the penis. Odd isn't it?
Haesindang ParkHaesindang Park
What if they ask you what is the hole all about?

Chinese got zodiac so do the koreans! the pic below representing the twelve signs of the Korean animal zodiac


So can worship the God of Cock?  It seemed like an opportune time for a prayer or two to the god of cock. Can you view the God of Cock inside???

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Terpesona dalam menggunakan gambir Sarawak?

Mengapa tidak?

Terutamanya jika kita perlu untuk bertahan lebih lama, mempunyai lebih kuat kuasa , atau melengahkan masalah ejakulasi pra matang. Oleh itu, ia digunakan sebagai Aphrodisiac


Ia adalah pokok / renek dimana
pengunyah sirih suka  menambahkan gambir ini sebagai perisa.

Tradisinya kira-kira 1/4 daripada keseluruhan pinang akan balut di dalam daun dengan secubit kapur. Susur keseluruhan akan dikunyah, menelan jus dirembeskan dan selebihnya meludah keluar.

Sesetengah orang akan menggunakan ia untuk menyembuhkan gusi dan sakit gigi dengan meletakkan ia di kawasan yang terjejas. Jadi ia dipercayai bahawa ia mengandungi beberapa harta anestetik tempatan.

Apa yang kena mengena dengan zakar?

 Oleh kerana kebijaksanaan manusia, mereka memohon gambir ...... jadi ..... Ia jenis mengebaskan dan
menyahpeka kepala zakar supaya seseorang boleh bertahan lama. Kita akan mempunyai kesemutan atau sensasi membakar di kawasan yang terjejas.

Rahsianya ialah tidak taroh terlalu banyak sebab keseluruhan "burung" kepala (zakar) akan menjadi kebas dan kita tidak akan dapat mengekalkan ereksi

Kesan sampingan?

Tiada laporan lagi sebagai gambir ia dibuat daripada bahan-bahan organik semula jadi.

Bagaimana untuk menggunakan

Mudah je:
 1) Hanya lusuh sekeping kecil, kira-kira ¼ dan letakan di atas sawit sebab sensasi boleh menjadi hangat.
2) Campurkan beberapa titik air
3) Selepas 1 minit, memohon ke zakar

Ingat untuk bilas lebihan, jikalau tak, sawit anda akan menjadi "dipanaskan" seperti mentol

Jika mendapati terlalu menyusahkan, menggunakan bentuk cecair

 Di mana untuk mendapatkan?

Gambir Sarawak Asli adalah tersedia di kawasan bandar lama di Gambir Street, Sarawak, Malaysia.

 Ya, saya di sini  dengan bos saya yang berumur 50 + tahun. Dia ragu-ragu sama ada untuk membeli. Dia minta saya supaya tidak memberitahu kakitangan pejabat apabila kita kembali ke Kuala Lumpur tentang "rahsia" kami melawat Gambir Street.

Peniaga ini adalah operasi yang tidak berlesen di gerai sementara mereka.


Fascinated in using Sarawak Gambir?

Why not???

Especially if we need to last longer, have more power, or delaying pre mature ejaculation problem. Therefore it is used as an Aphrodisiac


It is a tree/shrub where betelnut chewers love to add this gambir as a flavour.
Traditionally about 1/4 of a whole betel nut would be wrap inside a leaf with a pinch of lime. The whole quid would be chewed, swallowing the secreted juices and the rest spit out.


Some would use it to cure gum and tooth ache by placing it in the affected area. So it is believed that it contains some local anesthetic property.

What's that to do with the PENIS??

 Due to human ingenuity, they apply gambir sort of numbs and desensitises the penis head so that one can last longer. One will have a tingling or burning sensation on the affected area.

The trick is not to apply too much or else the whole "bird" head (kuku chiao = penis) will be numb and we won't be able to sustain an erection

Side effect?

No report yet as gambir as it is made from natural organic material.

How to use


1) Just tear a small piece, about ¼ and place in palm as the sensation could be overwhelming.
2) Mix a few drops of water
3) After 1 minute, apply onto the penis

Remember to rinse off the excess otherwise your palm will be "heated" up like menthol

If find too troublesome, use the liquid form

Where to get?

Gambir Sarawak Asli is available in the old town area in Gambir Street, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Yes, I was here before with my 50+ year old boss. He was indecisive whether to buy. He asked me not to tell the office staff when we come back to Kuala Lumpur of our "secrets" in visiting Gambir Street.

These peddlers are unlicensed operating at their makeshift stalls.