
Sunday, 2 October 2011

Maintenance Guidelines 2

Practice urinating on places that have hard surfaces for example:

on stone pavement

on cement pavement

on wood payment

and other similar hard surfaces. There is no scientific proof on this but it is just a "petua" (old wives tale - is it?? not sure).

Talking about petua on chasing away rats. My friend told me that if you meet rat, one just be naked and the rat will not come to our place anymore. Well, I stayed around Chow Kit area a few years ago and most rats love my place because, being a single tenant, the shophouse is very quiet. How the rats came to the house in the first place? Well....all thanks to the rojak (mixed fruits) seller man who live downstairs. The belacan (one of the main ingredient of the rojak sauce) smell just attracted these "nuisance" in large numbers.

To cut the story short, I met one rat "face to face". As I am shirtless at home, I just dropped my boxer pants. The rat saw me fully naked, stopped..... ran away and half way, it looked at me again. So cute the way it looked at me!!!. From that day onwards, I do not have any more rat visitors. Probably this creature will go back to tell the rat community. So it works

If it works, don't try to reinvent the wheel. That is -  if it is good for us, no harm practicing it , right?

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