What type of snakes ?
Its a COLD, SCaLY skin of six foot (1.8 m) pythons [
and not this lianjiou snake!]
How this lianjiou snake look like in full length?
How many reptiles work on the body?
3 reptiles named Jasmine, Muscle and Brown. (wow got name somemore)
How is the operation?
The snakes draped themselves over the neck, rolled around on the stomach and back and occassionally arched their necks and stuck out their forked tongues (geli or not?)
What does the snakes feed on?
A diet of live rabbits? (poor rabbits)
How much it cost?
90 min - RM133
How it feels?
It is a very unique sensation. The treatment give you an adrenaline rush
What to dress?
Just dress in a pair of shorts
Is it safe?
Two masseuses attended the session to ensure safety and to encourage the snakes to move around, making sure they didn't just coil up and stay put in one spot
Their mouths are kept shut with sticky tape (so can put here lah)
What does it cure?
life long fear of snakes
Who says that?
Feri Tilukay 31 Indonesian - "I used to be afraid of snakes, I had a phobia. But after getting this treatment several times, the phobia started going away and now I like snakes"
What is the procedure?
A staff member dressed in a gorilla suit performs a massage
and in another, the customer sits in a bathtub of beer receiving a massage while enjoying a Lager
Jakarta Animal Aid Network (animal rights group) spokesman Benvika
The treatment of the snakes is described as "exploitation" We are angry to hear about any kind of animal exploitation, including snakes.
What is the respond of the Spa Manager - Paulus Abraham?
He insisted that the snakes were not being ill treated - and that they enjoyed the contact with humans that came from the massages. "We don't treat them like workers, we treat them like our friends or family. We kiss them, we hug them we take good care of them"
The snakes are kept in plastic boxes where they are cleaned with antiseptic.
Who are the customers?
Few indonesians, with most of the customers coming from Europe, Japan or South Korea. Usually thrill seekers or just looking for a new experience. Only a handful like Tilukay
It started a year ago, attracting most attention and steady stream of customers!
Location?!! (Bali)

Sos: extracted from TheSun dated 14 Nov 2013