I am below 30's and my wife really
wanted to conceive. The problem is that when doing the real thing
even after 30 mins or the whole session wanna finish, I am still
unable to ejalulate but still maintain a hard-on.
What could be the possible causes?
- Psychological ... Sometimes the mind plays a big part and the “brother” simply refuses to shoot the bullet out .
- PCC relateda) Too much PCC when young and the grip is always stronger than the pussy. Thus when we perform PCC with a strong grip (since “trained” during the puberty stage), ejaculation is easy. As the years passed , the “brother” has already been habitual to the tight grip and constant quick rubbing.
When it is inserted in the pussy, it
may not be used to the “loose” grip and you may not go in and out
as fast as your PCC, hence your little bro is not aroused to the
simulation it is familiar with to cum thus the delayed ejaculation.
b) Death Grip syndrome - Little brother
too used to the hand.
- During courtship with wife-to-be, the sexual intent may be confined to petting and finish off with pcc to relieved) Perhaps too use to the pcc position, if one is not in that position, then ejaculation is hard to cum..3) Too much commercial sex
4)Too much stress in wanting to come
5)Too much porno
Possible solution
- relax and enjoy your session. Do not let the “don't cum” scenario worry you
- Change the method of PCC - go slower and don't hold it very tight. Grip it to synchornise with the grip of your wife pussy. Initially you may not experience ejaculation but after a short while your little bro will get used to it and you'll have no problem in cumming.
- Any other possible solution?