
Monday, 26 November 2012

Forgotten zone - pubic hair (1)

Pubic hair has a job to do – stop shaving and leave it alone

Shaving pubic hair only removes a cushion against friction, leaves microscopic open wounds and exposes you to infections
Pubic hair does have a purpose, providing a cushion against friction that can cause skin abrasion and injury, protection from bacteria and other unwanted pathogens, and is the visible result of long-awaited adolescent hormones, certainly nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about
Pubic hair removal naturally irritates and inflames the hair follicles left behind, leaving microscopic open wounds. Rather than suffering a comparison to a bristle brush, frequent hair removal is necessary to stay smooth, causing regular irritation of the shaved or waxed area. 
When that irritation is combined with the warm moist environment of the genitals, it becomes a happy culture medium for some of the nastiest of bacterial pathogens, namely Group A Streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus and its recently mutated cousin methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

 There is an increase in staph boils and abscesses, necessitating incisions to drain the infection, resulting in scarring that can be significant. It is not at all unusual to find pustules and other hair-follicle inflammation papules on shaved genitals.
Additionally, I've seen cellulitis (soft-tissue bacterial infection without abscess) of the scrotum, labia and penis as a result of spread of bacteria from shaving or from sexual contact with strep or staph bacteria from a partner's skin.

 Some clinicians are finding that freshly shaved pubic areas and genitals are also more vulnerable to herpes infections due to the microscopic wounds being exposed to viruses carried by mouth or genitals. It follows that there may be vulnerability to spread of other STIs as well.

Malay version
Rambut kemaluan mempunyai kerja untuk dilakukan - berhenti bercukur dan biarkan dia bersendirian
Rambut kemaluan tidak mempunyai tujuan, menyediakan kusyen terhadap geseran yang boleh menyebabkan lelasan kulit dan kecederaan, perlindungan daripada bakteria dan lain-lain patogen yang tidak diingini, dan adalah hasil yang boleh dilihat lama ditunggu-tunggu hormon remaja, sudah tentu apa-apa untuk berasa malu atau malu tentang

Penyingkiran rambut kemaluan secara semulajadi merengsa dan inflames folikel rambut ketinggalan, meninggalkan luka terbuka mikroskopik. Bukannya menderita berbanding dengan berus, penyingkiran rambut yang kerap adalah perlu untuk kekal licin, menyebabkan kerengsaan tetap kawasan dicukur atau Wax.

Apabila kerengsaan yang digabungkan dengan persekitaran yang panas lembap kemaluan, ia menjadi satu medium budaya gembira bagi sesetengah daripada nastiest patogen bakteria, iaitu Kumpulan A Streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus dan sepupu baru-baru ini bermutasi methicillin tahan Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Bisul dan abses "Staph" bolih berjangkit di kawasan yang dah bercukur. Untuk menghentikan jangkitan tersebut, kita memerlukan incisions untuk mengalirkan jangkitan. Keputusan incisions menyebabkan parut. 
Kita juga selalu mendapat pustules dan lain papules radang folikel rambut di kemaluan yang dah dicukur.

Selain itu, saya telah melihat selulitis (-tisu lembut jangkitan bakteria tanpa bernanah) daripada labia skrotum, dan zakar akibat penyebaran bakteria dari bercukur atau dari hubungan seks dengan strep atau Staph bakteria dari kulit rakan kongsi.

Sesetengah doktor menyatakan bahawa kawasan kemaluan yang baru dicukur juga lebih terdedah kepada herpes jangkitan yang disebabkan oleh luka mikroskopik yang terdedah kepada virus yang dibawa oleh mulut atau kemaluan. Ia mengikuti bahawa mungkin terdapat kelemahan untuk menyebarkan STI lain juga.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Prevent airborne viruses - cough + sneeze

Some concerned individuals have asked me how I protect myself especially if the client who come in have a minor cough...So far have not experience before....but on LRT yes. Usually when I have a minor cough or flu, NO massage for that day in order to protect my customers. 

To protect myself especially in public places (unavoidable especially in a crowed mall, bus, or train) I will perform this simple exercise:

Place:  Quiet Area most suitable but not necessary

Duration: 1 minute , twice a day (for only one week)

Method: Spread hands like claws, ,press the fingernails of one hand into the fingertips of the other hand firmly. Hold this position firmly. After 1 minute, change to the other hand and perform the same.

Precaution: Don't use to much pressure as this would break the skin
Result: Soothing  especially when eyes are close + focus on the sensations taking place throughout your body. 

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Penis Enlargement with Olive Oil

Bigger is not always better! Think again...The cause of Penile Cancer....

The Story

"I had olive oil  injected into my penis 19 years ago. A friend had done it and told us about it. That friend did injections for me and two others at home," said the patient, who sought treatment for cancer at the Police General Hospital.

Another Story??

Three years after the injection, the tip of his penis showed signs of infection. He decided to get circumcised, which seemed to cure the problem. However, the infection recurred recently. He was diagnosed with cancer.
He was injected with olive oil - No word yet on whether the olive oil was virgin or extra virgin.  

The man’s genitals were working "just fine" until about six months ago. He suffered a cut to his penis and without proper treatment the wound became infected.

He was ashamed to visit a doctor, but the pain and the infection grew so he had no choice.
He was admitted to a private hospital, where doctors found out that cancer has spread in the region. They suggested he move to a government hospital to save on the cost of treatment.

Doctors had no choice but to remove his penis, but the cancer spread towards his abdomen and his testicles.
Doctors have been able to bypass his urethra to his anus, allowing him to control his urine.  This means squat.

What does Doctor have to say?

He said injecting olive oil into a penis cannot enlarge its size. The olive oil, which cannot be absorbed into the body, causes irritation and the body reacts by building connective tissue which can turn malignant.
Doctors are seeing a trend of Thai men injecting olive oil into their penises. About 30 or 40 patients turn up at the hospital every month because of the injections.
The risky and unproven method using the oil - although bees wax, silicone and even paraffin are often also used - is common in Thailand with one Bangkok hospital receiving about 40 patients a month concerned about side-effects.
Pol Lt Gen Jongjate Aojanepong, surgeon-general of the Police General Hospital, said it is a myth that penis injections increase organ size.
"There is no medical procedure to increase the size and make it work properly without causing harm. Normally, the procedure is used for erectile dysfunction," he said.
Words from Urologist
Dr Surat Kittisupaporn, a urologist, said the substances used for penis injections include olive oil and silicone.
"Olive oil is the most popular because it is cheap and widely available," he said.
"But if it turns out to be cancer, it has to be removed," he said.

What about Health Officials
HEALTH officials have told Thai men size does not matter 

What about Women??
sos: Bangkok Post

Friday, 16 November 2012

Survey : Masturbation + Testicle

Really would like to do a survey to confirm whether masturbation can affect the shape of the testicle and conclude that this individual is HIGHLY SEXED UP....hehe

In the above pic, why is it that we can see a certain part of the testicle (on the left) while it is not clearly visible on the right? Hidden by the hand??

No...could be due to years and years of masturbation + sexual pressure (not pleasure...mind you) lah. 

Look at this picture. Such a nice juicy even level of the testicles. This indicates that this person has engaged in only minor masturbation.
 What about this?  Your comment please.....
So the side effect of masturbation + sexual excitement are:
1) It usually make one testicle protrude outwards while the other one looks noticeably smaller.
2) By looking at a person testicle, I will be able to determine whether that person love sex or not.
Email to me at of your result.  Of course Private + Confidential lah...

Malay version

Benar-benar ingin untuk melakukan kaji selidik untuk mengesahkan sama ada melancap boleh menjejaskan bentuk testis dan menyimpulkan bahawa individu tersebut minat sek tak .... hehe

Gambar atas menunjukkan mengapa kita boleh melihat bahagian-bahagian tertentu testis (di sebelah kiri) sementara waktu kita tidak dapat dilihat jelas di sebelah kanan? Disembunyikan oleh tangan?

Bukan .. mungkin disebabkan olih tahun dan tahun-tahun melancap + tekanan seksual (bukan keseronokan ... hehe) 

Lihatlah gambar ini. Buah zakar sama rata hingga air liuh meleleh. Ini menunjukkan bahawa individu ini tak banyak melibat dalam melancap 

Bagaimana tentang gambar di atasi? Sila komen .....


Jadi kesan sampingan melancap + keseronokan seksual adalah:

1) Ia biasanya membuat satu testis menonjol keluar manakala satu lagi kelihatan nyata lebih kecil.
2) Dengan melihat pada testis seseorang, saya akan dapat menentukan sama ada orang yang suka seks atau tidak.

Jadi sila menyiasiat buah zakar anda dan LIHAT SAMA ADA IT BERSETUJU DENGAN gajian ini?
Sila e-mel kepada saya di keputusan anda. Sudah tentu "Swasta + Sulit" lah ...

Monday, 12 November 2012

Another boyfriend scam?????

Too sad , received the above "hate" email from an unknown sender who is hell bend to take revenge . Anyone interested to see his photo and "guguchio" can send me an email to ""......otherwise if I present it here, I might get banned and you won't be able to see this blog anymore.

The person who wrote contradict herself. First she said ...."can never go stiff" then later ".....major problem with erection" . Which is which, sweet lady?????

Actually his 1 inch penis can be "corrected" but definitely not within one or two days......or one urut batin massage

Malay version

Terlalu sedih kerana menerima e-mel "berdendam" daripada seorang penghantar yang tidak diketahui yang bengkok neraka untuk membalas dendam. Sesiapa yang berminat untuk melihat gambar lelaki tersebut dan batang nya boleh hantar saya e-mel "" ......  jika saya "tayangkan" di sini, saya mungkin akan diharamkan dan anda tidak akan dapat melihat ini blog lagi

Perempuan yang menulis menyangkal dirinya sendiri. Pertama katanya .... "tidak boleh sengit" kemudian "..... masalah utama dengan batang naik ". Yang mana, wanita manis??

Sebenarnya zakar 1 inci boleh "diperbetulkan" tetapi pasti bukan dalam masa satu atau dua hari ...... atau satu urut batin urut

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Avoiding testicular vein knot (2)

Over anxious in rectifying a problem (with regards to eliminating testicular vein knot) for some will result in injury

This photo shows that this guy has put too much pressure in performing the exercise.

However don't be alarm. Avoid doing the exercise till the injury is healed. Thereafter, reduce your pressure and go slow you may alternate the exercise.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Avoiding Testicular Vein knot

As one progresses to old age, there might be a time that testicular vein knot may appear.

How to avoid it then? 2 EASY Steps

1) Using the index finger and middle fingers together, grip the base of the penis shaft

2) Massage it in a upward and downward strokes.

How long??

Just 2 minutes (or count till 99). I am sure we have the time for this, right?


Early in the morning upon waking up.

Additional Benefit.

This may also prevent the fat and the "wind" from gathering at the penis base. If you already have it, then it  may "break" the fat away.

Malay Version

Sebagai salah maju ke usia tua, mungkin ada masa bahawa simpulan urat testis mungkin muncul.

Bagaimana untuk mengelakkan ia kemudian? 2 Langkah MUDAH 

1) Menggunakan jari telunjuk dan jari tengah bersama-sama, selatkan batang bumi zakar

2) Urut dalam sebatan ke atas dan ke bawah.

Berapa lama?

Hanya 2 minit (atau mengira hingga 99). Saya pasti kita mempunyai masa untuk ini, betul-betul?


Awal pagi apabila bangun.

Manfaat tambahan.

Ini juga boleh menghalang lemak dan "angin" dari berkumpul pada pangkal zakar. Jika anda sudah mempunyai, maka ia boleh memecahkan lemak tersebut.