
Sunday, 27 May 2012

Male G-spot (2)

Prostate Function

The prostate’s function is to assist in the manufacture of semen which is the milky colored fluid that transports sperm from your testicles through your penis when you ejaculate.

Stimulating your G-spot

The first step in stimulating the male G-spot is making oneself comfortable.

Bowel Movement and bathing beforehand can put a person more at ease with the process.

I would recommend you leave a time window of approx 2 hours after a bowel movement and definitely do not try to stimulate your prostate if you think you are going to have a bowel movement

Regardless, you’ll want a good supply of lubrication on hand.


Once you’re ready for stimulation, there are a number of methods you can utilize, though we recommend keeping it simple if you’re a novice; a finger will be sufficient for beginners. (Make sure the finger nails are short and use a glove)



As you prepare to stimulate your G-spot, keep in mind that techniques vary greatly. Some men enjoy:1)  gentle thrusting movements, and

2) some prefer intense, constant pressure on the prostate itself.

You might prefer a mix of the two or something entirely different.

The key is to give your body the chance to react and respond; take your time, the orgasm is worth it. It’s also important to note that you may not find any of these methods pleasurable during the first exploration, and that’s perfectly normal; you can always try again in the future.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Male G-spot

Discovering your G-spot

The male G-spot isn’t all that difficult to find, but it does require a little patience.


Lying on your back

Elevate your legs which you can do by simply leaning your legs against the wall (either bed or sofa)


If comfortable, start by gently massaging the area surrounding your anus especially the perineum.

Use the soft pad of your index finger while exploring, and be gentle.(advisable to wear gloves)

As you relax further, lube your finger up and let it gently brush across the surface of your anus.

Repeat this move several times, each time increasing the pressure slightly.

When you’re comfortable enough to begin probing, you should keep things slow and gentle, taking care to relax your sphincter during the process. Once you’ve come in contact with the male G-spot, you’ll recognize it as a small, chestnut-sized bump situated approximately two inches inward
(more in the next post)

Malay version
Menemui G-spot anda

G-spot lelaki tidak sukar untuk mencari, tetapi ia memerlukan kesabaran yang sedikit.


 Berbaring di belakang anda

Tinggikan kaki anda yang anda boleh lakukan dengan hanya bersandar kaki anda terhadap dinding (sama ada katil atau sofa)
Jika selesa, mulakan dengan perlahan-lahan mengurut kawasan sekeliling dubur anda terutamanya perineum.

Gunakan pad lembut jari telunjuk anda semasa meneroka, dan menjadi lembut (dinasihatkan untuk memakai sarung tangan)

 Sambil anda berehat lebih lanjut, Lube jari anda dan biarkan ia berus perlahan merentasi permukaan dubur anda.

 Ulangi langkah ini beberapa kali, setiap kali tekanan sedikit.

 Apabila anda sudah cukup selesa untuk mula menyoalsiasat, anda perlu menyimpan perkara yang perlahan dan lembut, menjaga untuk berehat sfinkter anda semasa proses. Sebaik sahaja anda telah bersentuhan dengan G-spot lelaki, anda akan mengenali ia sebagai benjolan kecil, bersaiz chestnut terletak kira-kira dua inci masuk
 Akan bincang selanjut dalam post akan datang

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Everyone likes Penis?/Semua suka zakar?

....Even subway map are designed in the form of the male organ? Ain't males supreme??

In the spring of 2000, designer-illustrator Veit Schuetz reinterpreted the classic MTA subway map for the annual Cosmic Art Enterprises event.

His creation is at once brilliant, infusing a bit of graphic sexuality into something so mundane.

It’s friggin’ hilarious, actually, tracing the complex subway routes through the Five Boroughs of male anatomy – from the scrotum of Brooklyn, up the vas deferens to Queens, and through the penile shaft of Manhattan

Malay Version

.... Malah peta kereta bawah tanah direka dalam bentuk organ lelaki? Bukan lelaki tertinggi??

Pada musim bunga tahun 2000, pereka-ilustrator Veit Schuetz ditafsir semula peta MTA klasik kereta bawah tanah untuk acara tahunan Perusahaan Seni Kosmik.

 Ciptaan-nya sekali gus cemerlang, penyebatian sedikit seksualiti grafik ke dalam sesuatu yang begitu biasa.

Ia kelakar betul, sebenarnya, mengesan laluan kereta bawah tanah yang kompleks melalui Lima pekan anatomi lelaki - dari skrotum di Brooklyn, sehingga deferens vas untuk Queens, dan melalui batang zakar Manhattan

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Quality of Penis/Zakar yang Berkualiti

The erection hardness score consists of four grades:

Grade 1 is an example of when the penis is larger but not hard

Grade 2 is when the penis is hard, but not hard enough for penetration

Grade 3 is penis is hard enough for penetration, but not completely hard.

Grade 4  is the most ideal; when the penis is completely hard and fully rigid

When a man's erection hardness is between grade 1-3, this man has some degree of erectile dysfunction.


 Lifestyle modification to prevent erectile dysfunction

1) controlling weight -weight gain can make a man susceptible to erectile dysfunction
2) exercising
3) reducing alcohol consumption
4) quitting smoking-can help prevent erectile dysfunction.

Ridwan Shabsigh, director of the division of urology at the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York, requires exercise before resorting to medical options (like testosterone replacement) for middle-aged to older men with erectile dysfunction.

He recommends 200-210 minutes of cardio workout, and strength, flexibility and balance exercises.(aiyo...why so long 3 hrs and 20 minutes .....well if we want Grade 4 Penis, just do it, right???)

Malay version
Skor kekerasan ereksi terdiri daripada empat gred:

Gred 1 adalah satu contoh apabila zakar lebih besar tetapi tidak keras

Gred 2 ialah ketika zakar keras, tetapi tidak cukup keras untuk penembusan

 Gred 3 adalah zakar yang cukup keras untuk penetrasi, tetapi tidak bagitu tegang.

Gred 4 adalah yang paling ideal; apabila zakar keras dan tegar sepenuhnya

Apabila kekerasan ereksi seorang lelaki adalah di antara gred 1-3, manusia ini mempunyai sedikit disfungsi erektil.


  Pengubahsuaian gaya hidup untuk mengelakkan mati pucuk

1) mengawal berat-berat badan - meningkatan berat badan boleh membuat seorang lelaki terdedah kepada mati pucuk

2) Senaman

3) mengurangkan pengambilan alkohol

4) berhenti merokok boleh membantu mencegah mati pucuk.

Ridwan Shabsigh, pengarah Bahagian urologi di Maimonides Medical Center di Brooklyn, New York, memerlukan senaman sebelum pilihan perubatan (seperti penggantian testosteron) bagi pertengahan-berumur dengan lelaki yang lebih tua dengan disfungsi erektil.

Beliau mencadangkan 200-210 minit kardio senaman, dan latihan kekuatan, fleksibiliti dan jasmani seimbang (aiyo. .. mengapa begitu lama 3 jam dan 20 minit ..... tak apa kita mahu Gred 4 Zakar, hanya melakukannya sja, setuju? ?)

Friday, 11 May 2012

Average Penis Size

Average Penis size in each country

Average South Asian penis range from 4 inch to 4.8 inch
Average Asian penis range from 3.8 inch to 5.1 inch
Average White penis range from 4.9 inch to 6.5 inch
Average Middle East penis range 4.9 inch to 6.6 inch
Average Latino penis range from 5.7 inch to 6.9 inch
Average Black penis range from 5.3 inch to 7.1 inch.

North Korea 3.8 inch
South Korea 3.8 inch
India 4 inch
Cambodia 4 inch
Thailand 4 inch
Philippines 4.2 inch
Taiwan 4.2 inch
Sri lanka 4.3 inch
China 4.3 inch
Japan 4.3 inch
Hong Kong 4.4 inch
Bangladesh 4.4 inch
Malaysia 4.4 inch
Singaporean 4.5 inch
Vietnamese 4.5 inch
Indonesians 4.6 inch
Burmese 4.6 inch
Pakistan 4.8 inch
Mongolians 5 inch
Siberians 5.1 inch

Mengikut carta di atas

Merah - Zakar 6" - 7" dengan lilitan 4.5 -5.5 - paling seronok

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Controlling Ejaculation/mengawal Ejakulasi

Friends have been asking whether it is advisable to stop masturbation completely, on assumption that one has no sexual activity or sexually exhausted.

The answer is NO. We have to regulate the ejaculation frequency to optimize our brain's/neuro-endocrine functions. We cannot completely stop ejaculation; otherwise our brain's Hormone Negative Feedback Control loop will be locked up, leading to a sluggish or weak testicular function for depression, emotional instability and impotency. (Dangerous, right?)

So how often do we ejaculate?

At least ejaculate once a week to unlock the NFC to stimulate our testicular function. 

Malay Version

Rakan sudah bertanya sama ada ia adalah dinasihatkan untuk berhenti melancap sepenuhnya, dengan anggapan bahawa seseorang tidak mempunyai aktiviti seks atau keletihan dari .

 Jawapannya ialah TIDAK. Kita perlu mengawal kekerapan ejakulasi untuk mengoptimumkan "otak neuro-fungsi endokrin" kita. Kita tidak boleh berhenti ejakulasi ; jika tidak "
Hormone Negative Feedback Control (NFC) loop" kita akan dikunci, membawa kepada fungsi malas atau lemah testis untuk kemurungan, ketidakstabilan emosi dan mati pucuk. (Berbahaya, betul?)


 Jadi bagaimana kerap kita ejakulasi?

 Sekurang-kurangnya pancut seminggu sekali untuk membuka kunci NFC untuk merangsang fungsi testis kami

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Viagra - Not working?

Lots of middle-aged guys owe a lot to Viagra. But if it has not been working like it used to (in terms of erections aren't as hard but still able to have intercourse), can increase prescription dosage about an hour before the event work?

Daily Xpress/Asia News Network (Wed, Aug 27, 2008)

Since you're taking "prescription" Viagra, let's assume it is the real thing, not a copy and that you are under the care of a doctor.
I don't think switching to one of the other competing products will work any better though it won't hurt for you to try.

 Increasing your dose is not likely to help either and will probably just increase side effects.
There are a variety of reasons Viagra may not work.

1) Damage from diabetes. Make sure you have ruled this out, although even most diabetics get good results.
2) Venous leak. Basically, that means that blood leaves the penis faster than the arteries can supply it. This condition is not medically treatable.

Then, how to improve erections?

You might be able to improve your erections by lifestyle changes, and supplements. Alcohol doesn't help. Neither does stress, fatigue or lack of exercise. A healthy low-fat, low carbohydrate, high-protein diet might.

Arginine is necessary for normal sexual function and a lot of urologists suggest it as a sexual aid.

Although the jury is still out, Carnitine, a natural substance, along with its analogues PLC and ALC, are thought to be beneficial to circulation, brain function, peripheral nerves and sexual function.
They are quite expensive but are widely available on the Internet and in speciality stores in the US at much lower prices.
I'm getting good reports from patients who have tried these supplements.

Malay Version

Ramai lelaki pertengahan umur bergantung kepada Viagra. Tetapi jika ia tidak bekerja seperti dulu (dari segi ereksi yang tidak bagitu tegang tetapi masih mampu melakukan persetubuhan), boleh ke meningkatkan dos preskripsi kira-kira sejam sebelum sex dapat mengatasi masalah ini?

 Daily Xpress/Asia News Network (Wed, Aug 27, 2008



Viagra tulin dan bukan satu salinan  
-  prescripi ini di bawah jagaan doktor.

Mereka tidak pasti bahawa beralih kepada salah satu daripada produk yang bersaing lain akan berfungsi dengan mana-mana yang lebih baik walaupun ia tidak akan sakit untuk anda cuba.

 Meningkatkan dos anda tidak mungkin untuk membantu sama ada dan mungkin akan hanya meningkatkan kesan sampingan.

Terdapat pelbagai sebab Viagra tidak boleh bekerja.

 1) Kerosakan akibat penyakit kencing manis. Kita anggap sebab ini tidak wujub, walaupun kebanyakan pesakit diabetes yang mendapat keputusan yang baik

2) vena kebocoran. Pada asasnya, ini bermakna bahawa darah keluar dari zakar lebih cepat daripada arteri boleh membekalkan. Keadaan ini tidak perubatan boleh dirawat.

Maka, bagaimana untuk meningkatkan ketegangan?

 Kita mungkin dapat untuk meningkatkan ereksi kita dengan perubahan gaya hidup, dan tambahan ubat ubat supplemen. Alkohol tidak membantu. Juga tidak tekanan, keletihan atau kurang bersenam. Sihat rendah lemak, karbohidrat yang rendah, diet protein-tinggi kekuatan.

 Arginina adalah perlu untuk fungsi seksual yang normal dan banyak urologi mencadangkan ia sebagai bantuan seksual.

Walaupun bukti masih belum dapat, Carnitine, bahan semulajadi, bersama-sama dengan PLC analog dan ALC, dianggap memberi manfaat kepada peredaran, fungsi otak, saraf periferal dan fungsi seksual.

Mereka agak mahal tetapi sangat luas terdapat di Internet dan di kedai khusus di Amerika Syarikat pada harga yang lebih rendah.

Kita mendapat laporan baik daripada pesakit yang telah mencuba suplemen ini

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Penis Surgery/Pembedahan zakar

In the previous post, it talked about sexual sense. Does it include "beautifying" the penis in terms of
Penile lengthening?

Well, this the most common technique to lengthen the penis is to cut its suspensory ligament then perform plastic surgery to provide additional skin to cover its new length. The results are difficult to judge, as surgeons have not collected data in a systematic manner.
The results of the only reliable study indicate that dividing the suspensory ligament alone results in an average increase of 0.5cm (around 0.25in) in length, while skin advancement increases the length gain to 1.6cm (around 0.75in).

The what about facelift to enhance sexual sense??

TheSun dated March 1 2012  (or Archives of Facial Plastic surgery) said:

On average, patients trimmed back 7.2 years from their face. Facelift or necklift can wipe away 5.7 years. Including a forehead lift, you can shave off a total of 8.4 years. (This means if I am 40 yr old now, the most is that I have a look of a 31years old. Not bad yeah.....but if I am 70 years old I will only look like 61 years old. What is the Price for this???)

What about Botox?

Yes, it can give a wrinkle-free-face but people viewed those who use Botox as vain and worse, cold!!

Malay version

Dalam artikel sebelumnya, saya bercakap tentang perasaan seksual. Adakah ia termasuk "mencantikkan" zakar dari segi zakar panjang?

Dengan baik, ini teknik yang paling biasa untuk memanjangkan zakar adalah untuk memotong ligamen suspensori kemudian melakukan pembedahan plastik untuk menyediakan kulit tambahan untuk menampung panjang baru. Keputusan adalah sukar untuk menghakimi, sebagai doktor telah tidak mengumpul data secara sistematik.

 Hasil kajian hanya dipercayai menunjukkan bahawa membahagikan ligamen suspensori sahaja keputusan dalam peningkatan purata 0.5cm (sekitar 0.25in) panjang, manakala kemajuan kulit meningkatkan keuntungan panjang 1.6cm (sekitar 0.75in).

Apa tentang facelift untuk meningkatkan lagi perasaan seksual?

 TheSun bertarikh 1 Mac 2012 (atau Arkib pembedahan Plastik muka) berkata:

Secara purata, pesakit mengurangkan kembali 7.2 tahun dari wajah mereka. Facelift atau necklift boleh menghapuskan 5.7 tahun. Termasuk lif dahi, anda boleh mencukur sejumlah 8.4 tahun. (Ini bermakna jika saya berusia 40 thn sekarang, adalah bahawa saya mempunyai lihat daripada 31 tahun dahulu. Tidak buruk yeah ..... tetapi jika saya berusia 70 tahun, saya hanya akan kelihatan seperti berusia 61 tahun. Harga untuk ini?)


Bagaimana kira-kira Botox?

Ya, ia boleh memberi kedut muka tetapi dilihat orang mereka yang menggunakan Botox sebagai sia-sia dan lebih teruk, sejuk!!


Thursday, 3 May 2012

Beauty is more than screen deep


Having attractive friends will make you more popular. Dutch researcher Piet Kommers told AFP that findings show that signs of reproductive fitness sway our decisions on friendship.

People are attracted by other people who look very healthy, happy and productive in a sexual sense. That is an accepted evolutionary law.

If the profiles of the above two pictures are identical listing:

(1)owner's place of residence
(2)Birth date
(3)interests and favourite movies
(4)music and tv shows

It is noted that 20% of the respondents were likely to choose the profile that is attractive. The appearance of ones friends is in fact influences perception of the profile owner. However, having unattractive images could harm the appeal of individuals and business.

sos: The Sun newspaper dated 3 May 2012  pg 20